• Phone: +88 01771 559 922
  • Email: sdiorgbd@gmail.com

About Us

About Sustainable Development Initiatives (SDI)

Sustainable Development Initiatives (SDI) is a national NGO which established in 2009 with a view to promote the rights of the child workers, women empowerment and elimination of child labour by providing non-formal education, skill training and health care service. Since its establishment in 2009 it has been working in the urban and rural areas.

It aims to help the needy regardless of race, religion and gender through development program. The main objective of SDI is to ensure human rights and good governance with an aim to improve the socio-economic status of the poor by producing skilled human resources through education, skill-development training, awareness building and advocacy program on the right of children and women.

Since inception in 2009, it has been exploring avenues for the development of the poor and distressed people as well as the char people of the river Jamuna with complex hydrographic networking. The river heavily influences the lives of the people of this region. Thus, SDI is implementing the integrated development approaches for the socio- economic betterment of the people of this area. Institutional building, functional literacy, water and sanitation, disaster management, agriculture extension, gender free environment and legal rights are the main focus of the programme.

SDI believes in partnership with development partners the people and the organizations. SDI believes that all people are capable to live together with mutual respect and understanding. It is pertinent to mention that SDI has now emerged as a people's organization and the beneficiaries actively participate in planning and designing the programmes. In fact, the people’s participate in all stages of the programmes from planning to implementation is ensure to Further, SDI is such an organization which has its activities in the urban and rural periphery.

Vision, Mission and Goals of SDI


“To be a leading human resource development organization in providing cost-effective non-formal education, marketable skills training and implement promotion for the urban and rural poor, distressed children and adolescents in Bangladesh.”


“To raise the socioeconomic condition of the urban and rural poor to a level that they can effectively participate in national development with enhanced capacity and dignity for fulfillment of their basic rights.”


The goal of SDI is to improve the standard of social and economic condition of the working children and their families in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh.

SDI is Committed

  • Empower the disadvantaged communities by undertaking appropriate socio-economic development interventions such as community institution building and leadership development, micro-finance program, quality education, health awareness, environmental promotion, climate response activities and upliftment of social justice through right based, advocacy, action research and networking towards good governance, fairness, equity and equality of men and women in the community.
  • Initiate and implement organization development and human resource development to enhance and develop organizational, technical and management skills of both SDI staff members and community leaders.
  • Under take innovative activities as per situational needs and national priorities for the interest of the coastal communities.


  • Provide special school facilities for the urban and rural working children (boys and girls) who have no opportunity to attend public school or dropped out in the very early stage of primary education.
  • Provide training to prospective youths in technical skills after completion of basic education in SDI school program.
  • To Human Rights and Woman Empowerment.
  • Assist such children to find suitable job and establish links with potential employers.
  • Develop appropriate staff and necessary training facilities for staff to fulfill the above objectives efficiently and economically.
  • To raise the voice of child against exploitations and discriminations
  • To ensure the right to information and right to participation
  • To ensure basic health care, hygienic environment and WATSAN services to the target group