SDI believes the Social, Economic, Religion and Human Development may be achieved with the discussion and participation of the local people. It also believes that after motivation individuals will make group. So SDI has been organizing small SAMITEE with people from the deprived, neglected, landless, marginal farmers, divorced widow, and abandoned and destitute women in char areas. SDI has been motivating and increasing conscious of these people to develop their socio-economic condition. SDI believes that greater changes of the Society may be possible through joint efforts.
It is fact that unemployment is the biggest problem in our country. Employment creation in the rural areas is much difficult. Lack of educated unemployed youths is trying their best for employment but there is no employment opportunity. So it is very difficult to arrange employment in the rural areas for the illiterate and disadvantaged women folk. In view of this SDI has introduced skills training program by which they can get employment and start self employment.