The overall health facilities in the project area is very poor. Inadequate communications system and unavailability of medicines and doctors, hardly meets the requirement of the rural people. The death rate of women and children in the chars is very high. Most of the deaths are due to lack of timely treatment and proper medicine. Health problems of women are never given enough importance, besides, it takes quite some time to reach the Upazila Health Complex due to poor communications system. The endemic diseases people suffer from has much to do with their ignorance of basic health care management. They usually suffer from lack knowledge as to when to go to the physician.
Tube-well is the only sources of pure drinking water. The water borne diseases highly prevalent in these areas because the water and sanitation condition of these areas is very deplorable. This is so as the dwellers are too poor to purchase the necessary WATSAN hardware, behaviorally not disposed to using hygienic latrines, be those pit latrines whatever, ignorance of the necessity of using hygienic latrines and safe water.